Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pro-union means anti-Delta?

This is what Delta management is banking on. The people of Delta Air Lines have for most part given decades of their lives to their company. I say "their" company because it truly is, the company is the hard working people that ensure a smooth operation and that customers keep coming back. In the long history of Delta Air Lines, flight attendants have chosen to remain union free mostly due to the fact that management realized the importance of front-line employees, and paid them a premium for the services they rendered.

In the 1980's Delta Air Lines faced one of the many economic hurdles that have shaped this company and this industry. To show their support, the employees of Delta Air Lines donated thousands of dollars each to buy the company its very first B-767. This goes to show you how close the relationship between the company and its employees was.

Unfortunately with the change in economic times, deregulation, and a new generation of management...the respect that the employees received from management and the premium in benefits and wages has been flushed down the drain.

The number one priority of the new management team at Delta is not to take care of the employees, but simply to ensure the stockholders receive a premium on their investment and that the executives pocket as much as possible.

For the past decade or so the most prosperous airlines has been Southwest, some say because of its fuel hedges and some say because of its rapid expansion. Contrary to most, Southwest leaders have constantly recognized its employees as the biggest reason for its success. Southwest today, is what Delta was a dozen years ago.

Southwest is heavily unionized, and Southwest leaders are able to work swiftly with the elected union officials to resolve issues and address concerns. Its what I like to call the "perfect marriage".

This idea that supporting union representation is dumbfounded! The current Delta leaders want it to be a race to the bottom and realize that with a collective bargaining agreement that won't be the case, and they might be forced to paying that premium which Delta employees once enjoyed.

When someone tells you that being pro-union means being anti-company, please ask them...

1. Are all the pilots anti-company
2. Are all the dispatchers anti-company
3. Are all the meteorologists anti-company
4. Are all of our executives anti-company

That's right folks...all of the above belong to a union. If they can have a union and enjoy industry leading contracts, why must we settle for Industry Standard Pay?

As the premier global airline, we also deserve premier wages and benefits. Not industry standard pay and sub-par benefits.

DOT and BTS reports should be out soon with 2008 employee wage data. After reviewing the information for the first 3 quarters of 2008, I must tell you that Delta employees rank near the bottom in ALL areas when compared to other major airlines. No management, I don't consider a comparison between Delta flight attendants and Air Tran flight attendants to be equal. Delta flight attendants provide a much different service compared to Air Tran outside of safety.

Who do I consider our competitors?

1. American(APFA)
2. Southwest(TWU)
3. United(AFA)
4. Alaska(AFA)
5. Continental(IAM)

You might even be able to add Hawaiian to that list because they operate a lot of long haul flights, and is also represented by the Association of flight Attendants.

Recently flight attendants from two other airlines decided that the Association of Flight Attendants would be the best choice to help pave the way for a bright future. I hope that those of you that support the Association of Flight Attendants ensure that everyone you know has the correct facts. For those of you that are still undecided, I hope this blog offers some insight as to what is really behind the management lies.

If we would receive less compensation under a collective bargaining agreement wouldn't Delta want its flight attendants and other labor groups to unionize?

Less money paid out means more money stays in-house.

So why is Delta spending millions of dollars hiring union-busting firms and spreading lies?

I know the answer, however its up to you to find out.

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