Thursday, January 15, 2009

What has Northwest management tried to do to its flight attendants?

As I discussed in the previous post, over half of the "new" Delta is composed of ex-Northwest executives.

So what did these people do that should worry the hell out of you, and not give you that warm fuzzy feeling they want you to get!

All you have to do is a quick Google seach. Just type "Northwest flight attendant outsourcing". Are your eyes wide open yet?

Don't want to google it? Thats fine because I did, and this is what I found!

From the Honolulu Advertiser...
"Northwest reportedly plans flight attendant outsourcing"

"Northwest's outsourcing proposal could eliminate the jobs of thousands of the carrier's 9,800 flight attendants"

"Northwest wants to hire non-U.S. flight attendants for international flights"

"Northwest Airlines wants to replace 30% of flight attendants on its international flights with non-U.S. flight attendants"

From CNN...
"the company is seeking to give virtually all flight attendant jobs on international flights to lower-paid foreign workers"

"more than 2,000 of its members would be laid off if it lost the right to perform the work the airline now wants to give to non-union flight attendants"


So what does the union have to do with any of this?

It was because of the contract the Northwest flight attendants had that prevented all of this from happening. The flight attendants still had to make sacrifices and take pay cuts, but they didn't lose their jobs.

Without a contract, what is there to stop these thugs from doing it again?

Is $21 per paycheck worth a legally binding contract that prevents your job from being outsourced?

I don't think you really need me to answer that question, you're a big boy/girl...think about it!

Remember, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig!" - President elect Barack Obama

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